Our Inspiration

To imbibe a "Scientific spirit, Selfless Service & Values" one kind act change life of thousands of people. One smile can mesmerize lakhs of people. One courageous step can chnage the destiny of generations.

That is how civilization progresses.Beyond every one imagination just over 25 years back a great mind believed that loud noises of guns and riffle can be overshadowed by voices of scholars and that is how Rawatpura ,

Datiya & nearby region became spiritual & knowledge centre. The soul responsible to bring about this transformation is a great Saint, Anant Shri Vibhushit Shri Ravi Shankar ji Maharj ji,

popularly knows as “Maharaj Shree” courageous enough to put his most cherished dream into reality at places that have got no concern with the professionalism. His message “THINK BIG” and his works speak that “Just dare to think apparently outrageous and tomorrow will be yours”. His journey to transform his dream into reality was not at all simple. It was his consistent hard work and determination that established him as a Messiah.

He is the one who is bringing economic as well as social changes to the most needy people.

Rawatpura College

our mission

Institute mission is to emerge as a CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE in the field of education by adopting innovative approaches and to build the structure of dynamic intelligence. It will enable our students to meet the challenges.

Our Vision

To inculcate humanism, tolerance, reason, progress, fearlessness and truthfulness through education so as to produce integrated men and women free from fear. on


Institute philosophy is to impart quality and effectiveness in all activities, networking, helping in holistic development of technocrats based on long cherished valuesand principles.

our programs

Always trying to introduce a new programs. As a part of the mission, Institute never compromise with the quality of the services, at any cost.


Merit-cum-Means Scholarship

Smart Laboratories

We are professionals

Our Courses

B.Sc. Nursing

Bachelor of Science in Nursing or B.Sc Nursing is a 4-year undergraduate course. The minimum eligibility criterion for pursuing this course is the successful completion of 10+2 level of education in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. B.Sc Nursing admission is based on entrance exams.

Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing

Post Basic Bachelor of Science in Nursing or P.B. B.Sc Nursing is a 2-year undergraduate course. The minimum eligibility criterion for pursuing this course is the successful completion of G.N.M.


GNM programme is meant to prepare general nurses who can efficiently perform as members of the health team and capable of dealing the competencies in both the hospitals and other such organizations.

M.Sc. Nursing

Master of Science in Nursing or M.Sc Nursing is a 2-year Post-Graduate course. The minimum eligibility criterion for pursuing this course is the successful completion of B.Sc Nursing with Min. 1 Year Experinece.

News & Events

Title : मेंटल हेल्थ नर्सिंग प्रैक्टिकल
Description : श्री रावतपुरा सरकार इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ़ नर्सिंग, महाराजपुर, मंडला की बीएससी नर्सिंग तृतीय वर्ष की छात्राओं का मेंटल हेल्थ नर्सिंग का प्रैक्टिकल जिला अस्पताल मंडला में 19/10/2024 को संपन्न हुआ। इसके साथ ही, वायवा परीक्षा कॉलेज में आयोजित की गई। इस अवसर पर छात्राओं ने मानसिक स्वास्थ्य से जुड़े महत्वपूर्ण पहलुओं का व्यावहारिक अनुभव प्राप्त किया और अपनी नर्सिंग शिक्षा को और अधिक सशक्त बनाया।

Title : स्वास्थ्य कार्यक्रम
Description : श्री रावतपुरा सरकार इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ नर्सिंग, महराजपुर, मंडला में 3 अक्टूबर 2024 को एक विशेष कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया। इस कार्यक्रम में जिला अस्पताल मंडला के सिविल सर्जन श्री विजय धुर्वे, RMO श्री प्रवीण उईके, और डॉ. मनोज मुरारी द्वारा बीएससी नर्सिंग और जीएनएम के छात्र-छात्राओं को इंसुलिन इंजेक्शन के बारे में जानकारी दी गई।

Title : Prakaty Mahotsav

Title : Admissions Open for B.Sc Nursing and GNM
Description : B.Sc Nursing - 4 yrs degree course, GNM - 3 yrs diploma Course

Title : World Heart Day
Description : World Heart Day is celebrated on 29 September 2024 at Shri Rawatpura Sarkar Institute of Nursing Maharajpur Mandla.

Title : Prakatya Mahotsav
Description : On the occasion of the Prakatya Mahotsav of Param Pujya Maharaj Shri, celebrated at Shri Rawatpura Sarkar Institute of Nursing Maharajpur Mandla on 5th July 2024, first of all the entire staff planted trees together and organized a Sunder Kand recitation and a feast with girls.

Title : गणतंत्र दिवस
Description : 26 जनवरी 2025 को श्री रावतपुरा सरकार इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ नर्सिंग, मंडला में 76वें गणतंत्र दिवस का भव्य आयोजन धूमधाम से किया गया। इस अवसर पर पूरे परिसर में देशभक्ति गीतों की गूंज सुनाई दी, जिसने सभी को देश के प्रति गर्व और सम्मान का अहसास कराया।

Title : नेत्र ज्योति पायलट प्रोजेक्ट
Description : दिनांक 04/01/2025 को जिला प्रशासन मंडला द्वारा मिशन नेत्र ज्योति पायलट प्रोजेक्ट का शुभारंभ एक महत्वपूर्ण पहल के रूप में किया गया।

Title : World Mental Health Day
Description : On 10 October 2024, a program was organized at District Hospital Mandla to mark World Mental Health Day. In this event, Civil Surgeon Mr. Vijay Dhurve, RMO Mr. Praveen Uike, Dr. Mr. Manoj Murari, and other doctors enlightened the students of Mandla Campus about the significance of mental health. The program aimed to raise awareness about mental well-being and provided valuable insights on managing stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Title : Basant panchmi celebration
Description : Celebrated in mandla campus with enthusiasm